Friday, July 20, 2012

Best Advice for Drunk Drivers by DUI Lawyers

Many People think that driving when drunken is not misdemeanor but they are wrong and that is why they violate traffic rules. However doing this is considered as a civil offense and it may lead to jail and fines.

Driving under the influence is a serious violation and the penalties given in this are severe.

Drivers under the influence of drinking can face jail time, fines, the risk of having their licenses suspended and their vehicles can also be confiscated.
The consequence of driving under the influence is like an insurance which is expensive and affects your life, family and work.

Best  Advice for Drunk Drivers By DUI Lawyers

When you are facing criminal charges for Driving under influence there are some of the tips you should follow:

1. The most important thing you can do is to remember your rights and it is advisable to remain silent when you are arrested under the charge of Driving under the influence. Do not answer any question asked by the arresting officer except telling him your name if he asks your name. Speaking anything else except your name will be filled against you that can make your case more complicated. However, you can give your statement or answer questions when your DUI lawyer is with you.

2. You can also refuse for a blood test or a breathalyzer test because this can be used for processing and if the results of the test are positive that can also affect your case. There are some states which have the law that you can consult a DUI attorney only if you agree to give breath test. So, you should be aware if this type of law exists in your state or not. If you get ready to give the test and the results of test are accurate then there maybe case against you and you will be arrested in that case. Moreover your license can be revoked but a paper license will be given to you.

3. If the offense is serious, then your vehicle might also get impounded. There occurs a problem with these types of charges which is that if you have cleared the charges of DUI you cannot get your license until you have not undergone hearing by Department of Motor vehicles for it. However this is independent of its audience because a DUI lawyer will handle this situation but you cannot drive a vehicle until you get your license.

This crime is increasing day by day because many people are not aware about its consequences. They will not realize these things until they have not gone for license renewal or have been charged for DUI which can affect their family and life. As we know prevention is better than cure so it is better to avoid this type of situation. This can be done by hire a driver or calling a taxi when you are drunk.

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