Thursday, March 1, 2012

Son Of The King Investigating Judge

For the Madrid royal family, this should be the most embarrassing moment for years: For the first time in the history of the Spanish monarchy must be a member of the royal family as a defendant in a financial scandal to testify before an investigating judge. The son of King Juan Carlos, Iñaki Urdangarin is this Saturday in Palma de Mallorca from the competent judge José Castro heard on the accusation of having embezzled millions of dollars of business with crooked tax dollars.

The man of the king's daughter Cristina is supposed to have, upon investigation, as head of the nonprofit Foundation Noos from the regional governments of Valencia and the Balearic Islands will receive funding amounting to some six million euros. For conferences should be organized on topics such as sports or tourism. The foundation collected according to the investigators, however exorbitant prices and issued fictitious invoices for fictitious services. Together with a business partner to the former handball star part of the funds have stashed away on a private corporate network.

Before the hearing could threaten the 44-year-olds running the gauntlet: Before the court in Mallorca, the suspect must usually the distance from the driveway to the entrance on foot to cover. The judiciary will not be a member of the royal family deviate from this rule. This would mean that Urdangarin would walk over a distance of some 30 meters to dozens of camera crews and press photographers. Some TV stations will have paid over 1000 € for residents that they may set up their cameras on the balconies.

However, it is possible that this humiliation is the Duke of Palma, but still saves. Reportedly told the police about letting Urdangarin exceptional drive with your car to the entrance of the building. This should be prevented, it will come to Antimonarchisten attacks on the royal son, they said.

The affair is a delicate one for the royal family in more ways than one. On the one appearing in the press for months, ever new revelations about the allegedly embezzled funds. This adds to the prestige of the monarchy serious damage - especially in times of crisis, where millions of Spaniards suffer from unemployment and poverty. Secondly, there is always the danger that the scandal widens. Thus, the Infanta Cristina virtue of one of the companies alleged to have been diverted over the funds. So far, the Justice initiated but no research has compared the 46-year-old one, because the princess was not included in the opinion of the investigators in the management.

"Nobody knows what the outcome, the process is," the criminal lawyer José Angel González Franco wrote in the newspaper "El País". . "It may even come to an escalation of unknown dimensions, which also attracts the royal family affected" Jose Ramon Soriano, Supreme Court, said: "When I led the investigation, I would also call upon the Infanta. Something they will know. "

King Juan Carlos was already distancing themselves from his son. He was Urdangarin until further official dates of all the royal family stress and describe the behavior of the 44-year-old as "not exemplary." The defendant himself was manifested in two news on the allegations: In one he protested his innocence, in the other he regretted the damage the affair has done to the reputation of the royal family. Otherwise, he shuns publicity. In Washington, where he worked for the Spanish group Telephonic, he was recently selected by camera crew from a Spanish TV station put on the road. Urdangarin was immediately turned and looked at a run into the distance.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Imprisoned Mothers Are Not Entitled to Parental Benefits

The Baden-Wuerttemberg State Social Court ruled in a judgment dated 17.01.2012, that mothers have while serving a prison sentence is not entitled to parental benefits, as the condition of common household of parent and child are not met. This condition must be regarded as not present when the mother and child are housed in the prison together.

In the case at the 27-year-old mother brought her son during his time in prison to the world. The child's father also served a prison sentence. So the mother lived with her son in a special mother-infant department of a correctional facility, in which several women share with their children, a common living area with kitchen, bathroom, toilet and lounge. The applicant went from the third month of life the child during the day having been employed in a single operation of the correctional facility after. During this time her son was placed in a nursery outside the prison. Since the applicant received only a limited income, it was felt that it was entitled to parental benefit. The competent State Bank of Baden-Württemberg refused their request from but where the eligibility requirements are not a common household became available. Such a household within a correctional facility can not be justified.

The State Social Court confirmed the legal opinion in a landmark decision. In a correctional facility, the life of the detainees is largely determined by the requirements of the prison administration, so that no independent leadership and organization of the autonomous budget in this context is possible. The same applies if the detainees are in a parent-child institution. There are also mothers ultimately have no influence on the regulation of temporal and spatial co-existence with their child. Addition was considered that the applicant does not, but the youth welfare office for the care of the child comes up.
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